Are you dealing with any of these in your life?
Previously important people now believe that you should be condemned and shamed;
Loss of relationship with family members;
Destroyed career and job prospects;
Freedom of movement because of probation;
Feeling like you'll never get over what has happened because there are too many people ready to tell you what they think of you;
Post-incarceration trauma recovery, feeling emotions come out of nowhere and overwhelm;
Wondering, when you are meeting a new person, when you should bring up this important thing, so as not to ignore it, not to make someone uncomfortable, but also being honest about what you've been through;
Waking up wondering how you ended up here;
Knowing God has a plan but it would be nice if God filled you in.
You. Are. Not. Alone.
Have deep empathy for yourself. Most of us expect too much from ourselves, especially after going through a traumatic experience. Give yourself Grace. You need it.​​
The loss is catastrophic. It is not minor nor insignificant.
Healing takes time. There is also grieving. For yourself. For others who have been impacted. Unprocessed, unexpressed grief at catastrophic loss will find its way out somewhere, no matter how hard you try to stuff it down inside.
Loss of confidence and self-esteem is natural for a time. It's important to get it back over time.
Forgiving those around you is a choice, not an obligation. It's ok to let people go who have contributed to the pain.
I would like to invite you to watch this brief video. I have been a client of Chris and Shari's, and now I'm working with them as a business partner. The work I did with them helped me regain confidence, learn a ton about myself, and restored me back to the leader I have always been, and then some!
If you are wondering how to deal with the disruptors in your life, how to control your mind, and get to a place of peace and joy, click the link below the video.
Please note: We are not a political organization. We work with anyone - business leaders, young adults, whomever - who is looking for the joy and peace that comes from radical self-acceptance!